07-06 19:56回复
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07-06 19:38回复
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07-06 19:22回复
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ISLAMABAD:With the monsoon season starting health experts are advising people ?especially those suffering from diabetes to take extra care during the rainy season noting that it is imperative for them to keep their feet free of moisture to avoid any infections which could result in amputations.This was stated by Ear Nose and Throat ENT surgeon Dr Yasir Javed on <a href=https://www.nike-airjordan.it>jordan denim</a> Sunday while speaking to the media.The number of people in the country afflicted with diabetes is increasing which is a testimony to the fact that there is still not enough awareness of the issue Dr Javed noted.He added that while diabetics require all-around care t <a href=https://www.adidas-originalss.fr>adidas originalss</a> he list of care points d <a href=https://www.adidassamba.us>adidas ladies samba</a> uring monsoon is even longer.The ENT surgeon said that humidity sweat and moisture during monsoon is conducive for
07-06 19:19回复
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